Afghan horsemen take part in the traditionally Buzkashi game in Kundus, Afghanistan. The ancient game of Buzkashi has been played in northern Afghanistan since the days of Ghengis Khan, the Mongol warrior whose army swept across Asia in the 13th century. It is a fierce game of competition played on the steppes of Asia by expert horsemen. As a rule, women are not allowed to watch. Photo: Boris Roessler/dpa
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Afghan horsemen take part in the traditionally Buzkashi game in Kundus, Afghanistan. The ancient game of Buzkashi has been played in northern Afghanistan since the days of Ghengis Khan, the Mongol warrior whose army swept across Asia in the 13th century. It is a fierce game of competition played on the steppes of Asia by expert horsemen. As a rule, women are not allowed to watch. Photo: Boris Roessler/dpa 

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